
Amanda Wu-Kind Mind Therapy
Amanda Wu-Kind Mind Therapy2 weeks ago
Any of us can experience eating problems or eating disorders - whatever our age, gender, weight or background.

If you want to find out any more information this #EatingDisorderAwarenessWeek (or any other week!), head to our website 💙
Amanda Wu-Kind Mind Therapy
Amanda Wu-Kind Mind Therapy2 weeks ago
Trigger warning ⚠️


Eating disorders can affect anyone. Please know that you are not alone ❤️
Amanda Wu-Kind Mind Therapy
Amanda Wu-Kind Mind Therapy
Amanda Wu-Kind Mind Therapy2 months ago
All face to face appointments are cancelled tomorrow due to the weather warning. Online appointments will still go ahead as planned. Stay safe everyone ❤️
Amanda Wu-Kind Mind Therapy
Amanda Wu-Kind Mind Therapy2 months ago
Thank you so much to everyone who has sent an enquiry recently. I am extremely grateful for your interest in booking an appointment with me. I am experiencing quite a high volume of enquiries at the moment, so please bear with me. If I haven’t responded to you yet, I will do within the next day or so.

I’m always so inspired at this time of year by the number of people making this choice to reach out.

If you have been considering therapy, don’t put it off. You are worth it! ❤️

#therapy #counseling #psychotherapy #cbt #psychology #mentalhealth
Amanda Wu-Kind Mind Therapy
Amanda Wu-Kind Mind Therapy3 months ago
Christmas time can be tricky with those dinner time conversations which can be centred around food and weight. Especially for someone who experiences food anxiety - it’s easy for this time of year to become overwhelming!

Read our latest blog to learn about tips to have a peaceful, anxiety free holiday season🎉🎄

#foodanxiety #christmas
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